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Dear valued clients,

In light of the current health situation and the need to be proactive in slowing the spread of COVID-19 DMA Clinical Pilates and Physiotherapy is reinforcing our commitment to your safety.   As a health practice we are already subject to stringent infection control measures which we continually monitor.

The reality is that COVID – 19 infection rates are still extremely low compared to even seasonal flu and we wish to see those figures stay low.  Maintaining  your fitness & health is one of the best measures against contracting this, or any, disease so we understand it is important that you are able to maintain your fitness in a safe environment. 

  1. We encourage you to wash or sanitise your hands frequently and have placed hand sanitiser around the clinic for your use. In addition, remember to avoid touching your face, and cough or sneeze into your elbow

2. We are actively wiping down equipment (hard surfaces) more frequently and encourage you to assist us in doing this the with the spray bottles and cloths provided

3. When using pillows or folded towels as headrests, we will use a paper towel over the top for your head/ face to rest on. Alternatively, you may wish to bring a small towel from home as a face/ head rest for this purpose, particularly for group sessions

4. If you are unwell please cancel/ reschedule your appointment and abide by Department of Health recommendations to self- quarantine for 14 days if you have been overseas

5. Please try to respect our cancellation policy as much as possible and give us more than six hours notice if you wish to cancel or alter your appointment.

Your health and safety is of utmost importance to us, as is our combined responsibility to the broader community in this current situation. We will keep you updated with regards to any future changes.

As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns.

Kind Regards

Craig Phillips B.App.Sc (Phty) MPhysio (Sports) M.A.P.A

Managing Director |Consultant Physiotherapist | APA Sports Physiotherapist  1 Yarra St Sth Yarra VIC 3141 AUSTRALIA| p 613 9827 4511