People with Joint Pain

FAQs for people with Joint Pain
JOINT SMART is an exercise treatment & education program for patients with joint pain and dysfunction. Surgeries for hip & knee osteoarthritis, ACL ruptures, chronic low back pain, shoulder, joint replacement/reconstruction, arthroscopy, and debridement have been shown to have variable success rates. The latest research is proving that a conservative, non-surgical approach, that is individually tailored does reduce joint pain and increase day-to-day function and mobility.
Do I need surgery…..or JOINT SMART ?
How is JOINT SMART different from other OA programs?
With high quality evidence supporting exercise, there are many programs for treatment of joint problems. These generic group programs are an excellent starting point. JOINT SMART is the next level & aimed at people heading to surgery where evidence suggests high level conservative care is a viable alternative. JOINT SMART patients are assessed along their journey to guide modifications in their treatment plan. JOINT SMART is an Australian designed program specific to the complexities of the Australian healthcare system and Aussie bodies.
Who does JOINT SMART help?
The JOINT SMART program is specially designed for individuals with hip, knee, back, shoulder, ankle, or other joint pain who may be considering joint replacement, arthroscopic, or reconstruction surgery. Spinal fusions, ACL reconstructions, hip/knee replacements, shoulder surgery etc can do just as well with an individually-tailored exercise treatment program and avoid the risks of surgery.
What happens in a session?
Each JOINTSMART patient undergoes a thorough screening, taking in not only the main problem but other “co morbidities” that often interfere with & can compromise treatment. Addressing these ”patterns of problems” allows a program unique to your problem to be established. You will be treated by a physiotherapist with a customised exercise treatment program.
How can I do the JOINT SMART program?
Firstly complete the screening form which will be returned to JOINT SMART or contact us on jointsmart@clinicalpilates.com
How much does JOINT SMART cost?
The cost of the JOINT SMART program will vary depending on your needs but sessions will have a similar price to regular physiotherapy sessions covered under health insurance, with a full program ranging between $3000 – $6000. This is still more economical than surgery (including out of pockets expenses which can vary widely) & post op rehabilitation (HCF out of pocket expenses). From July 1 2021 costs will rise further with Medicare no longer covering rebates for many surgeries.

Useful Links
The physios at DMA Clinical Pilates & Physiotherapy have put together a number of articles outlining the latest research on common orthopedic surgies. To find out more, click here.
If you want to find out more about management of osteoarthritis, check out Arthritis Australia’s 10 Steps for Living Well with Arthritis. In this booklet they discuss the importance of exercise such as Clinical Pilates in order to reduce pain and improve function.
Musculoskeletal Australia has a number of great resources on many musculoskeletal conditions and how to manage them. They also have webinars that you can register for.
The Victorian Government Better Health website has a lot of useful information about osteoarthritis as well as some self-management strategies.
Pain Australia also has some links to support groups for people with arthritis.